- так точно
- • ТАК ТОЧНО{{}}[indep. sent; Invar; fixed WO]=====⇒ (used as an affirmative response to a question or to corroborate the interlocutor's statement; common in the military; usu. used when addressing a person of a higher status or rank) yes, that is correct:- that's right;- yes, he does <they are etc>;- indeed it is <he does etc>;- yes, sir <madam, ma'am etc>;- [in response to a question with neg predic] no, sir <madam, ma'am etc>;- [in military usage] yes, sir!♦ "Вы, наверное, из штаба фронта, товарищ подполковник?" - "Так точно", - ответил Даренский... (Гроссман 2). "Are you from Front HQ, comrade Lieutenant-Colonel?" "That's right," said Darensky (2a).♦ "Ну, как, опомнились? Свои-то оказались лучше большевиков?" - "Так точно, вашеблагородне!" (Шолохов 5). "Well, have you come to your senses? So your own people turned out to be better than the Bolsheviks, did they not?" "Yes, they did, Your Honour!" (5a).♦ "Вы, верно, едете в Ставрополь?" - "Так-с точно... с казёнными вещами" (Лермонтов 1). "You'll be going to Stavropol, I expect?" "Yes, sir. ...Carrying government property" (lc).♦ "Какой же из тебя будет казак, ежели ты наймитом таскаешься? Отец, отделяя тебя, разве ничего не дал?" - "Так точно, ваше превосходительство, не дал" (Шолохов 2). "What kind of Cossack will you make if you hire yourself out like this? Did your father not give you anything when you left home?" "No, Your Excellency, he didn't" (2a).
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. С.И. Лубенская. 2004.